Erectile Dysfunction In Regular Smokers

Erectile Dysfunction: To start, we must understand what erectile dysfunction is. Erectile dysfunction describes to a person’s inability to obtain and maintain an erection strong enough to perform a successful sexual intercourse. And it has become so popular in recent years for the following reasons: Smoking, alcohol intake, obesity, lack of physical activity, a heavy non-vegetarian diet, oil and junk food consumption, and personal or professional stress are all factors that might lead to erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is becoming more common day by day. According to certain studies, erectile dysfunction affects more than 43% of males. And more than 33% of males are dealing with this issue as early as their late twenties, which is leading to relationship troubles such as divorce. Out of this lifestyle behavior like smoking and consumption of alcohol is playing a key role in it the person those who smoke upto or more than 20 cigarettes a day are more likely to effect with erectile dysfunction in early age of young 20’s it is 30% and later on based on consumption it can be increased it may differ from person to person mostly in late 30’s the studies have proven that it is increased upto 40% of male are being suffered with erectile dysfunction and 54% by late 40’s which is increasing day by day.


How Does Smoking Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Once the blood vein in the penis expands and fills with blood can an erection happen. Because smoking damages blood veins in that area of the body, the action isn’t always possible. In fact, studies have shown that it causes erectile dysfunction at a young age. Smoking causes erectile dysfunction as well as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cancer of multiple kinds.


Treatment :Anyone who has been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction should immediately stop smoking and gradually reduce their daily cigarette intake. If a person goes from 20 to 0 cigarettes in a short amount of time, he or she is likely to experience physiological issues for a few days to weeks, such as being unable to focus on everyday tasks and so on. When a person quits smoking for permanently , it can take up to 12 weeks for their blood vessels and veins to rebuild to the same level as non-smokers, which is a long process. They should also try to develop new healthy habits such as running for at least 30 minutes and eating healthy foods such as dry fruits, fruits, and green vegetables.


Medicinal Treatment: Doctors strongly advise people suffering from erectile dysfunction to use PDE5 inhibitors. Because some research have shown that PDE5 inhibitors have less long-term negative effects than previously thought. We got Xlove to treat erectile dysfunction for this problem. Xlove is better than existing medicines on the market because it is made with OSF technology for the first time in India. Most studies have shown that OSF technology has very few side effects, onsite drug delivery, fast action, no need for water, no choking, and it is also flavoured.


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