CONTROLS THE WOMENS MOOD SWINGS Mood swings are quite common in women during their menstrual cycle and during pregnancy due to hormonal changes such as estrogen and progesterone imbalances. As a result of these chemical imbalances, they may react abnormally during...
PARTY ON PREVENT FROM HAIR FALL ? There are many causes of hair loss. It could be due to heredity, which means that their parents or other family members may have had the same problem and it will be passed down to future generations. Hair loss can also be caused by...
CONTROL THE AGE WRINKLES Due to a decrease in the production of natural oils in the skin as age increase, their skin becomes less elastic and more fragile, resulting in age wrinkles. Actually, the first signs of age wrinkles appear when a person reaches the age of 25,...
DETOXIFY YOUR LIVER WITH INI PARTY ON The liver’s main job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive system, detoxify those chemicals, detoxify the drug, and secrete the bile and send it back to the digestive system. However, due to regular alcohol...