There are many causes of hair loss. It could be due to heredity, which means that their parents or other family members may have had the same problem and it will be passed down to future generations.

Hair loss can also be caused by dietary changes, poor nutritional food intake, and a bad lifestyle. Depression is also a major cause of hair loss because any of the issues mentioned above will cause the body’s most important vitamins and minerals to be reduced, Due to low keratin levels, blood flow to hair follicles is slowed, and hair begins to thin and fall. Using chemical-based shampoos for a long period of time will also cause hair fall.

As a result of this issue, the scalp will become rough, dandruff will appear, and skin infections may occur. For all of the above issues, party will be the best medicine because it contains biotin, which is most helpful for keratin treatment and most of the The majority of research have shown that taking biotin for 90 days can reduce hair loss, promote hair growth, and prevent greying.

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  1. Portal informacyjny

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